Hi girls! So I've seen a few Youtubers do this tag and I wanted to do it too! Here you go:
1. What was your first youtube video about?
Well, I dont make Youtube video so I'll leave that one out! :)
2. Think back, did you ever have bebo/myspace and what was your first profile picture?
I had myspace, I made it one day and never went back on! It was probably 5-6 years ago! *cringe*
3. Who was the first guru you subscribed to and why?
I think it might of been juicystar07! And simply because her videos are great, but I was so long ago I can barely remember! :)
4. Who was your first celebrity crush?
If any of you remember Busted, I had a massive crush on Matt Willis! haha!
5. Your first makeup brand?
Maybe Natural Collection? I think I got an eyeshadow called Candyfloss, I must of been 8! :)
6. Your first pet?
A bunny rabbit called Marigold! :)
7. Your first wild experience?
Errr, I'm not a very wild person but one time me and about 8 other people in my class were late for a PE lesson, and for this lesson we needed to walk down the road (with the teacher of course) to get a grassy 'field'. But, seeing how we were late, the teacher got fed up waiting and locked the gates on us! So we had to climb over the wall and run as fast as we could to the rest of the class! Not very wild but, that's me!
8. Your first fashion trend you loved?
I remember being about 11 and loving the Vintage trend when everyone wore the vintage florals :)
9. your first alcoholic beverage?
Probably Champagne! I can't stand it anymore!
10. Your first kiss?
Ugh, it wad a dare, BIG mistake!
So, there you go! Hope you enjoyed :) Love from Claire xx
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